Online Pet Portrait Course

Membership exclusive content
  • Only available with a Creator Membership
  • 4 Full length courses
  • 3 timelapse courses
  • Full technique library for different fur types
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Intermediate - Advanced

These lessons explore many aspects of pet portraiture and are best suited to people with some experience.


Pet portraits need to look good enough to touch and bring pets to life in pastels. We will spend time exploring how to create these effects.

Videos and Downloads

As always, these courses come with detailed video lessons, a PDF guide, an image outline for tracing and your materials list.

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Fur Technique Lessons

In the techniques area you're going to find a huge selection of help! Get to grips with curly fur, straight fur, patterns, wirey coats and so much more. These specific lessons help you when you're struggling with a personal project. For curly fur, try the full length Spaniel Course. 

Heighten Realism

With the Boxer course, you'll spend time looking at shadows and learning how to manipulate these to increase the sense of realism. Get stuck into fine details, rich colours and a fantastic character with this course. 

Start as a Member

Get this course (and over 20 more) for £10/pm as a member. This will give you access to every course, including the Fundamentals Course (a must for beginners!).

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Techniques & Palettes

As well as full length courses and timelapse lessons, you get a whole library of extra help! Get texture tips in the techniques area and see how to create lots of different textures. Or, if choosing your pencil colours is stopping you with personal projects, find a selection of pre-made pencil palettes!

Deal with Tricky Photos

Worries about an open mouth with teeth, or a hidden eye? It's ok, try the Cockapoo course to see how this can be done and get your confidence back! 

Timelapse Quick Tips

As well as full-length pet portrait courses, you will also find a number of shortened voiced over lessons. These take you from to start to finish faster and I'll talk you through the most important parts of what I'm up to. 

Access to every course

An art membership gives you access to all of my pastel pencil online courses. That's well over 70 hours of content! 

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